Friday, January 18, 2008
5 1/2 mths
Landon is growing so fast, I just can't believe it. I can't believe that in a couple of weeks he will be 6mth old. For the past 2 weeks Landon has been able to sit and play with his toys, he is doing so well at it. He still falls over some...especially when his daddy comes in the room and gets him all excited. He is eating a lot better these days and we can actually see a little chubbiness in him now. :) He is eating a little bit of fruit (bananas, peaches, pears) but he would much rather have his veggies (squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, greenbeans). Which I think is just too funny...don't most kids like the fruit the most? Oh and he is eating oatmeal, but we doesn't like it when you add any fruit to it. A few times I've tried to add bananas to it and he just spits them's funny to watch. The doctor said to try things at least 10 times before we give that's what I'll do I guess. He continues to sleep really well at night and during his naps. The last couple of weeks he has been talking a lot (or should I say making a lot of noise like he is talking) He just sits and plays with his toys and makes all kinds of noises to them. I love it when he sucks on his foot, takes it out, talks a little, and then puts his foot back in his mouth. It's like he is carrying on a conversation with his silly to watch. His personality is starting to show a little more. Last night Llon and I put him to bed and we turned his little fish aquariam on and before we could leave the room he reached over and turned it off. Llon and I stopped went back over there turned it on and Landon reached over and turned it off. It was so funny, he just smiled each time we did this like it was some kind of game. Eventually we gave up and left it off. When we went to check on him 10 mins later the fish was on and he was sound a sleep. Guess he just wanted to be a big boy and turn it on himself. Well that's about it for updates. Here are lots of pictures to enjoy! (one of these days I'll figure out how to post videos...I've tried it before and it just says that it doesn't recognize the file...anyone have any advice? )
Doesn't Landon look so cute in his big boy outfit? This is Landon last Sunday at church. I thought he looked super cute (but then again I always think he looks super cute :) )
Landon has a twin!!
So I meant to post these pictures from his 4mth doctor's appointment a while ago (he is now 2 weeks away from being 6mths). We were all in the room waiting for the doctor and Llon decided to get his phone out and take a few pictures of Landon, they turned out so cute and it looks like there are two Landon's. :) What do you think?
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Christmas has come and gone...can you believe it? I feel like we have just been running around the last couple of weeks and unfortunately we will be running around the next couple of weeks. This is just a busy..busy time for us. Ok, back to Christmas. We spent Christmas with Llon's family in Abilene, TX. Landon went on his first plane ride and did very well. He ended up sleeping most of the time. We were able to spend lots of time with his grandparents, cousins, sisters, and mom. Like always, we really enjoyed our visit. Here are some pictures from our trip, sorry the pictures are out of order...but at least I updated! :)
Here Landon is opening a present from grandma and aunts, he really liked the toys....but he LOVED the paper the toys were wrapped in. :)
Landon with Grandma enjoying his new giraffe.
A new way to take a bath!...or just learning how to swim in the sink.
Landon in his carseat in Abilene...he was soooo tired.
Family picture in Austin...I didn't mentioned it up above, but at the end of the week we went to Austin to visit more family. It was just a short trip, but we really enjoyed spending time with the Davis'. Thanks for showing us around Austin, we really enjoyed it!
Landon's cousins: Avery, Ema, and Matthew. Matthew is just a few weeks older than Landon.
Here Landon is opening a present from grandma and aunts, he really liked the toys....but he LOVED the paper the toys were wrapped in. :)
Landon with Grandma enjoying his new giraffe.
A new way to take a bath!...or just learning how to swim in the sink.
Landon in his carseat in Abilene...he was soooo tired.
Family picture in Austin...I didn't mentioned it up above, but at the end of the week we went to Austin to visit more family. It was just a short trip, but we really enjoyed spending time with the Davis'. Thanks for showing us around Austin, we really enjoyed it!
Landon's cousins: Avery, Ema, and Matthew. Matthew is just a few weeks older than Landon.