Clendenen boys

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 15, 2008

Celebrity Look alike

Clendenen Look-alike Meter


Landon officially has not 1 but 2 teeth now. The first one broke through the day before his 6mth b-day (can't remember if I posted that), but 2 days ago I noticed the one right next to it has broken through too. It's kind of hard to see them b/c when we go to look he always puts his tongue over them. But if you get him laughing and can see them. I'll try and get pics of them to post.

Monday, February 04, 2008

6mth Update and Ski Pictures

First off I'll start with the pictures from the ski trip. We had such a great time and enjoyed the weather and being around our friends. They all seemed to enjoy Landon and didn't mind that he spent the weekend with us. Landon was very spoiled by all the attention and enjoyed playing with everyone. Llon and I both were able to ski, we just took turns watching Landon.

Landon had his 6mth checkup appointment today...yes that means more shots for the little guy. He was very tough and only cried a little bit. He weighed in at 16lb 5oz (45%) and his height was 27in (75%). The doctored commented that it looked like he was going to have his daddy's height. Overall he was very pleased with how he was progressing. Landon is eating veggies and fruit now, along with his cereal and oatmeal. The doctor said no juice till he was 12mth but that we could give him a little water, but it wasn't necessary since I'm still nursing. I was totally surprised by the whole juice thing, for some reason I was thinking that at 6mth he could have it. Guess we'll have to wait till he is closer to a year. The doctor said that he would probally be crawling around 8mth...which made me really sad, that's only 2mths away. (maybe he'll be late at doing this :) ) Landon has his first tooth that has broken the skin, it's just barely showing. I noticed it last Thursday, one day before his 6mth b-day. Landon also has his first cold...which Llon and I were both afraid that it was going to happen. Llon was really sick last week so we are sure he got sick from him. The good thing is that he doesn't have much of a fever with it, he just has a runny nose and a terrible...terrible cough. The doctor wasn't too worried since he didn't have a fever, but I still don't like it. Lastnight we didn't get much sleep, up ever hour. Poor Landon, everytime he would put his pacier in his mouth he couldn't breath. It was making him very frustrated and then the coughing would start. The bad news is the doctor said that this could last up to 2 weeks. Hopefully it won't and he will be better tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. Well that's about it. Once Landon feels better I'll post some 6mth pictures.