Clendenen boys

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter 2009

Easter was a huge hit this year. Landon actually hunted the eggs and enjoyed his Easter basket. We had a messy time dying eggs, not sure Landon really liked it...maybe next year he'll be a little more into it.

Here are my Easter boys...aren't they cute.

Hunting Easter eggs at our church easter hunt.

Here is a video of Landon hunting the eggs.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mimi, Pa, and the Zoo

A couple of weeks ago Llon had to spend 2 weeks in Arizona taking a wire bending course. So Landon and I traveled around visiting family and friends. For some reason I only took pics at my parents house...sorry about that. We did enjoy seeing everyone else too.

Hanging out with Mimi and Pa after his bathe.

We took Landon to the zoo while we were in Arkansas. This was Landon's first time and he LOVED it!

Mimi and Landon with the goose and the lion. This lion was very friendly, he jumped up a few times on the glass and scared me. I tried to get a pic of it but I was too slow.

Landon with a donkey...I think. :)

Here they are looking at an aligator.

Pa and Landon watching Toy Story.

Mimi and Landon pushing the cars back and forth with Pa.

So for those of you who have a boy and do not have any hot wheels...get them. No matter how old they are...get them. I for some reason didn't realize Landon was old enough to play with them, but my parents had some at their house and Landon spent hours...hours playing with them. He would line them up, drive them around, line them up again...he never got tired of them. So when we left my parents let us take them home with us...he still loves them and plays with them ALL the time.

Here is the little garage that he would play with them on.