Clendenen boys

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mother's Day

Here is the Mother's Day gift that Llon and Landon made for me. It was so special and I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband and son. Just had to share it with you.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Zoo, Park, Swimming, Friends...

We've been busier than ever at the Clendenen house and enjoying every minute of it. I'll just post the pics and video and let them tell the story....Enjoy!

Our good friends Pat and Holly were in town with their precious daughter Addison this past weekend. It was so good so see them and spend lots of time together. We had a little going away party for them since they were not able to come back to KC until now.

I was busy with baby showers all weekend so Landon and dad had some good old boy time. Llon and a few other guys from church took Landon to the Royals game. They claim Landon was great and wasn't much of a problem. They were giving out build a bear lions that he even got a little treat to bring home.

We traveled a lot of Texas last week when Llon was off looking at practices. Here we are in League City, TX at the pool b/c it was stinken HOT. The pool made it very nice.

Leta graduated from Dental school May 9th. The fam was in town so we took them to the children's petting zoo. Landon loved everyone being there.

We went to the zoo with our friends Rudy and Patricia and their daughter Emory a couple of weekends ago. It was our first time at the KS zoo and it was pretty impressive.

We have 3 couples leaving our group this summer. We gave them a little going away party at the park and here is the pic of all of us. We will miss them all very much.

Llon and Landon mowing the yard.
Llon and Jon's family were in town for Leta's graduation. We had a little free time Saturday morning so we took them to the children's petting zoo. It was too much fun!

So Landon is starting to realize when he has gone potty so I've started telling him that we go pee pee and poop poop in the potty. Here is a little video of Landon telling us where to if we can just get him to do it. :) One day he will (at least that's what others are telling me)