Clendenen boys

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 20, 2009

Sonshine School update

Sorry no pictures...just wanted to share with you the note that Landon's teacher sent home with him yesterday. Landon goes to our church Sonshine school Tuesday's and Thursday's. He is really enjoying it. The teachers are always good about sharing a little something about your child that they did that day. Here was Landon's from yesterday:

"Landon was being chased by the ladies today. :) Olivia and Addie were chasing him and pulling him around. He eventually got tired of that and played on the slide."

I wish I had a picture to go with it. When I asked him about it he smiled and buried his head in my shoulder like he was embarressed. How fast he is growing up...

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


This was taken a couple of Sundays ago. Landon dressed up in his fall sweater and lovin on mom and dad.

Landon helping daddy with the leaves. :) He loved running thru them and tossing them up in the air.

Landon finds a cricket....

I forgot to add these pics to the previous post. One if of the group talking while some carved pumpkins and one is some of the kiddos playing.

Carving Pumpkins

Last week our lifegroup from church got together to carve some pumpkins. Everyone did a really good job and were very creative, here are some of the pumpkins.

Yes, that is Llon using his dremel tool. Landon wanted Elmo on his pumpkin, so daddy is making it happen.

Final product with candles (elmo, jay hawk, kstate)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Humpty Dumpty Sat on the wall...

We decorated a trunk for our church's trunk or treat, it was our first year to go to one so we didn't really know what to expect. Here is our booth of Humpty Dumpty. We dart guns for the kids to knock over humpty dumpty...can't go wrong with dart guns. :)

Here is Landon, Emory getting candy and Kate & Graham off to the side.

Here is the fam dressed up for Halloween. I was Humpty Dumpty before he fell, Llon was Humpty Dumpty put back together, and Landon was the kingsman and horse that put Humpty back together. (there is a better pic of little Emory's candy corn outfit..too cute)
Landon loving on his horse.