teeth and landon talking
Landon recently has really started enjoying playdoh. He loves to take cookie cutters and make different animals, shapes, etc with the playdoh. I found a dentist playdoh kit at a garage sale and of course Llon jumped in on the fun right away. Here are some pics of Llon teaching Landon about teeth and where they go in the mouth.

For those who have been around Landon know that Landon loves to talk. Here are 2 videos of him repeating words that mom and dad are saying. My favorite is yellow bus...everytime we are in the car he asks to see a yellow bus and gets so excited when he sees one. The other night in bed he was talking himself to sleep and mentioned yellow bus and started laughing (we love hearing his conversations at night thru the monitor). The other thing on one of these videos is Landon and Llon playing a game that Llon made up..it's called 'Oh Know'. Sometimes I hear Landon, thru the monitor, playing this game with his stuffed animals, when he is suppose to be napping. Makes me laugh everytime. :)
For those who have been around Landon know that Landon loves to talk. Here are 2 videos of him repeating words that mom and dad are saying. My favorite is yellow bus...everytime we are in the car he asks to see a yellow bus and gets so excited when he sees one. The other night in bed he was talking himself to sleep and mentioned yellow bus and started laughing (we love hearing his conversations at night thru the monitor). The other thing on one of these videos is Landon and Llon playing a game that Llon made up..it's called 'Oh Know'. Sometimes I hear Landon, thru the monitor, playing this game with his stuffed animals, when he is suppose to be napping. Makes me laugh everytime. :)